Hotel Tupac Yupanqui Palace


This hotel has been constructed on top of the Inka Tupac Yupanqui palace and the famous Aclla Wasi or the palace of the chosen women which was the place where all future concubines of the Inka virgins would live. This hotel on San Agustin Street can be really proud to have the most beautiful inka walls in town, as said before it was built on the foundations of the chosen women and Tupac Inka Yupanqui palaces. These walls have the total perfection, probably they are the best sample of stone masonery and construction, before the conquest. You can not place a needle in between its joints. Over these walls the Tupac Yupanqui Hotel has been built and named after him in his memory. The walls have this unique inclination feature that have shown through the time, that were earthquake proof. Its inclination angles clearly show the perfection of Inka architecture, that still stand after several earthquakes Cusco has experienced. During the conquest and the colonial period, these type of construction were the most preferred by the Spaniards who named them Solares. As a result of this blending is this beautiful restored house converted into a hotel with all comforts that a modern lodge should have under international standards. It also has colonial arcades, fountains and gardens, besides its wooden carved balconies and 18th century style furniture. Although all of these features, the best of the Tupac Yupanqui Hotel is its fine personalized and elegant service.

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